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Dr. Sharon Keefe Ugalde

woman, smiling, wearing glasses

Office: Centennial 141
Phone: 512.245.3072

Curriculum Vitae


Biography: Sharon Ugalde, Ph.D. from Stanford University, enjoys an international reputation in the field of Hispanic letters, particularly for her ground-breaking studies of twentieth-century Spanish poetry written by women. She is author of six books and over eighty critical articles and the recipient of several awards, including Texas State’s Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Activity on two occasions, Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades (AEGS) “Premio Victoria Urbano al Reconocimiento Académico” (2020), Feministas Unidas’ [Coalition of Feminist Scholars in Spanish, Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian, Afro-Latin American, and U.S. Hispanic and Latino Studies]. “Adela Zamudio Essay Prize” for best essay (2018), the National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Research Stipend and The United States-Spanish Joint Research Fellowship. She is a member of the research team Plan Nacional de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental (National Plan for Research Projects Financed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain) Collaborative project with professors from Spain and Italy. Webpage: (2011-2021), and the research team Generalitat Valeciana. "Cuerpo y sexualidad den la obra de las poetas del Mediterráneo". She has developed an innovative teaching technique of introducing literature through visual images, most recently implemented in an Honors course on magic realism in the works of Gabriel García Márquez. Ugalde has served the Executive Committee of South Central Modern Language Association, the Modern Language Association Division Executive Committee of Twentieth-Century Spanish Literature, vice-president of the Twentieth-Century Spanish Association of America, and is a member of the editorial boards of InScriptum: A Journal of Language and Literary Studies, Letras Hispanas: Revista de Literatura y Culture, Cuadernos de ALDEEU, Aula Lírica, Cincinnati Romance Review

Research Interests: Dr. Ugalde’s research focuses on twentieth and twenty-first century poetry of Spain, with an emphasis on poetry written by women. Included in her list of publications are the books En voz alta. Las poetas de las generaciones de los 50 y los 70 (Madrid: Hiperion, 2007) and Conversaciones y poemas. La nueva poesía femenina española en castellano (Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1991). She has also published books on Juana Castro, María Victoria Atencia, Ángel González and Gabriel Celaya and more than eighty articles on Spanish poetry and the Latin American narrative.

Courses Taught:
Courses recently taught by Professor Ugalde:


SPAN 5310D Gabriel García Márquez
SPAN 5310C Poetry of Spain and Latin America


SPAN 3309 Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Literary Analysis

Honors College:
HON3394X Magic Realism in the Works of Gabriel García Márquez