Course Descriptions

- 5100 Practicum in Teaching Spanish. (1-0) Required as a condition of employment for graduate teaching and instructional assistants in their initial semester of employment. The course provides regular in-service and planned periodic evaluations of instructional responsibilities. This course does not earn graduate degree credit. Repeatable with different emphasis. Graded on a credit (CR), no-credit (F) basis.
- 5300 Foundation Studies in Spanish. (3-0) Course designed to develop knowledge and skills required for success in graduate-level studies in Spanish. Course content varies depending on academic preparation. This course does not earn graduate credit. Repeatable up to 12 hours with different emphasis. Prerequisite: Approval of graduate advisor in Spanish.
- 5310 Topics in Hispanic Literature. (3-0) Topics may vary and include the study of specific genres, periods, authors, ethnic, and women's contributions to Hispanic literature. May be repeated for credit with different emphasis.
- 5310A Voyages and Encounters in Spanish American Literature. (3-0) Thorough analysis of historical and fictional voyages. The course will address how encounters with indigenous, ethnic minority, and foreign cultures have influenced the development of individual, national, and regional identities in Spanish America. Readings will include accounts of the conquest, colonial texts, and literature for the 19th and 20th centuries.
- 5310B Don Quijote. (3-0) A close reading of the classic Spanish novel Don Quijote by Miguel de Cervantes.
- 5310C Poetry of Spain and Spanish America. (3-0) A focus on the genre of poetry through a close reading of a selection of classical and contemporary poets from Spain and Spanish America.
- 5310D Topics in Hispanic Literature: Gabriel García Márquez. (3-0) A study of selected works of Nobel Prize author Gabriel García Márquez, focusing on literature, history, politics, and popular culture of Latin America.
- 5310E Topics in Hispanic Literature: Hispanic Film. (3-0) A study of Hispanic cultural issues through film and additional readings.
- 5311 Studies in Medieval and Golden Age Spanish Peninsular Literature. (3-0) Selections of fiction, poetry, theater, essay, and film of medieval and Golden Age Spain. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.
- 5312 Studies in Spanish Peninsular Literature from the Eighteenth Century to the Present. (3-0) Selections of fiction, poetry, theater, essay, and film of Spain from the 18th century to the present. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.
- 5313 Studies in South American Literatures. (3-0) Selections of fiction, poetry, theater, essay and film of South America. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.
- 5314 Studies in Central American and Caribbean Literatures. (3-0) Selections of fiction, poetry, theater, essay and film of Central America and the Caribbean. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.
- 5315 Studies in Mexican and Mexican-American Literatures. (3-0) Selections of Mexican and Mexican-American fiction, poetry, theater, essay, and film. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.
- 5316 Studies in Spanish Peninsular Culture. (3-0) Culture, history, and society in literature, film, art, music, folklore, and mass media of Spain. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.
- 5317 Studies in the Cultures of the Americas. (3-0) Culture, history, and society in literature, film, art, music, folklore, and mass media of the Americas. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.
- 5318 Advanced Composition and Research Methods. (3-0) This course focuses on the study of composition and grammar, textual analysis, and research methods. It may be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.
- 5319 Synchronic Spanish Linguistics. (3-0) Evaluation of aspects of the Spanish language including pronunciation, sentence structure, dialects, and relations to other languages. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.
- 5320 Diachronic Spanish Linguistics. (3-0) Evaluation of aspects of history of the Spanish language including pronunciation, word formation, sentence structure, dialects, and relations to other languages. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.
- 5321 Spanish Applied Linguistics. (3-0) Examination of teaching methodologies of Spanish, incorporating current theories of second language acquisition and computer-assisted learning. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.
- 5322 Spanish for the Professions. (3-0) Topics vary and include the study of Spanish for business, law, medicine, criminal justice, and/or the social sciences. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.
- 5390 Studies in Spanish Culture, Language, or Literature. (3-0) Independent study under supervision of a graduate faculty member in Spanish, with in-depth readings and research on a specific topic. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit. Prerequisite: Approval by head of the Spanish Division and department chair. Application must be submitted prior to semester registration period.
- 5399A Thesis. (3-0) This course represents a student's initial thesis enrollment. No thesis credit is awarded until the student has completed the thesis in Spanish 5399B. Graded on a credit (CR), progress (PR), no-credit (F) basis.
- 5399B Thesis. (3-0) This course represents a student's continuing thesis enrollment. The student continues to enroll in this course until the thesis is submitted for binding. Graded on a credit (CR), progress (PR), no-credit (F) basis.
- 5600 Internship. (6-0) This course consists of an internship of at least four weeks duration in the United States or in a Spanish-speaking country. Interns work with organizations that use Spanish in a professional context. Internships may be complemented by lectures, observations, interviews, or other activities relevant to the student's academic and professional interests. Graduate advisor approval required. Prerequisite: Completion of 18 credit hours required for the Master of Arts with a major in Spanish. 6 Credit Hours. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 12 Lab Contact Hours. Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit.