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Student Showcase

German 4380: German Civilization

In the fall of 2022, each student in Dr. Siwak's German Civilization course applied project-based learning to the production of a vodcast on a historical or literary topic. Here are three examples of their final products:

Nick Barecky outlines the history of Das Deutsche Kaiserreich

Joci Tidey talks about the German poet and exile Heinrich Heine

Harrison Brode discusses the legacy of the Nobel-prize winning chemist Fritz Haber, whose inventions helped feed the world but also killed thousands of soldiers during World War One

German 3304A: German Cinema

In Dr. Haegele's Fall 2020 GER 3304A: German Cinema course, students added their own sound and dialogue to scenes in silent films from the Weimar era. An exercise in sound/image synchronization, the videos opened up new interpretations to the films--often with comical results!

Andrew und Issac: Der letzte Mann

Erin und John: Die Nibelungen

Will und Olivia: Faust

German 3370 - Contemporary German, Austrian, and Swiss Culture

several women and men; Text: GER 3370 – Contemporary German, Austrian, and Swiss Culture, Die Studenten spielen Rollen von linken, sozialdemokratischen und rechten Politikern

The sound bites come from fictitious political ads students produced as part of our final project in the Fall 2020 German Civilization course. Simulating election campaigns in Germany and Austria, students recorded political video ads they had scripted, playing a candidate from a party they researched. As a follow up, the “candidates” held live townhall debates (Bürgerforum) in class via Zoom.

This project, timed to coincide with the US 2020 elections, gave everyone a closer look at countries with multi-party political systems, where different parties may rule through coalitions, or exercise power in the parliament as the opposition.

The views presented in these projects do not reflect the students’ real-life political opinions.

Issac warnt vor einem “Desaster für Österreich”

Elena überzeugt mit “ihren” Grundwerten: “katholisch und konservativ”

Kristian spricht junge Deutsche an

Tiana: Vergessen Sie nicht: “Sozialdemokraten waren nie Nazis, im Gegensatz zu der CDU …”

Andrew als Pirat – “Gute Ideen kopieren” (1)

Andrew als Pirat – “Gute Ideen kopieren” (2)

Dom spielt einen AfD-Kandidaten - ganz rechts: Schluss mit dem Euro - bringt die Deutschmark zurück. Und macht Deutschland besser als … Amerika!

Matthäus spielt einen FPÖ-Politiker. “Die Welt ist in Gefahr.” (1)

Matthäus spielt einen FPÖ-Politiker. “Die Welt ist in Gefahr.” (2)

German 3305: German on Stage

German on Stage is designed to strengthen reading skills and oral command of the language through the study and performance of German-language plays. Below are images, recordings, and playbills from our students' performances.

Spring 2023

Hier sind doch alle irre

Spring 2019

Der Gast ist König

Spring 2018

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Bilder, Bibel und Banditen

Spring 2017

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Spring 2015

Spring 2014

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Spring 2013

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Spring 2012

Image Gallery

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Spring 2011

Spring 2010

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